AOV Fire Alarm Certificate

All Landlord Certificates Ltd provides comprehensive fire safety compliance services in London, including AOV Fire alarm certificate inspections.

Original price was: £150.00.Current price is: £145.00.


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If you’re a landlord or property owner in London, it’s essential to ensure your property is safe and compliant with fire safety regulations. One crucial step in achieving this is by obtaining an AOV Fire alarm certificate.

What is an AOV Fire Alarm Certificate?

AOV stands for Automatic Opening Ventilation, and an AOV Fire alarm certificate certifies that the automatic opening vents in your property are fully operational and compliant with fire safety regulations. These vents are designed to open automatically in case of a fire, providing an escape route for occupants and allowing smoke to escape, reducing the risk of smoke inhalation and property damage.

Why do I need an AOV Fire alarm certificate?

If your property has an AOV system installed, it is a legal requirement to obtain an AOV Fire alarm certificate. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 mandates that landlords and property owners must ensure their buildings comply with fire safety regulations, including having an AOV system installed and obtaining an AOV Fire alarm certificate.

What Does an AOV Fire Alarm Certificate Involve?

An AOV Fire alarm certificate involves a comprehensive inspection and testing of the AOV system in your property. This inspection will ensure that the AOV vents open and close correctly and are connected to the fire alarm system, triggering the vents to open in case of a fire. The inspection will also check that the AOV system is correctly installed and maintained.

How Can ALC help?

At ALC, we understand the importance of fire safety compliance for landlords and property owners in London. Our team of qualified engineers and inspectors will conduct a thorough inspection and testing of your AOV system and issue an AOV Fire alarm certificate upon successful completion.

Our engineers and inspectors are fully trained and equipped to handle any AOV system, whether it’s a simple installation or a complex system. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and efficiency, ensuring minimal disruption to your tenants or occupants during the inspection and testing process.

We also offer a range of other services, including fire risk assessments, smoke detector and fire alarm installations, and electrical safety inspections. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive service that ensures your property is fully compliant with fire safety regulations and your tenants and occupants are safe.


As a landlord or property owner in London, ensuring your property is fully compliant with fire safety regulations is essential. Obtaining an AOV Fire alarm certificate is a legal requirement if your property has an AOV system installed, and failure to obtain one can result in significant penalties and legal action.

At ALC, we understand the importance of fire safety compliance, and our team of qualified engineers and inspectors are here to help. Contact us today to schedule an AOV Fire alarm certificate inspection or to learn more about our range of other services.

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