Fire risk assessment in London

Original price was: £250.00.Current price is: £199.00.


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Fire Risk Assessment London

A thorough look at your buildings and the people who use them from the point of view of fire safety. To keep people safe, you need to know what could go wrong and then make your fire safety measures better. A fire risk assessment must be done because the law says so. If you are an employer, owner, or occupant of a building that isn’t a “single private dwelling” (a private home), you are responsible for making sure that a qualified person does a fire risk assessment. It’s up to you to find any fire risks or hazards on your property and take the right steps to avoid them.

What Does a Fire Risk Assessment Mean?

The goal of the fire risk assessment is to get rid of or reduce to an acceptable level the chances that these risks will cause harm. Find out what active and passive fire safety measures and management systems your building needs to keep people safe in case of a fire.

Fire risk assessment

A fire risk assessment is a systematic examination of what, in your job activities and working environment, could put people in danger from fire. It will aid in determining the likelihood of a fire occurring and the risks that the work environment provides to those who use it in the event of a fire.

Why conduct a Fire Risk Assessment?

A Fire Risk Assessment is a legal obligation. If you are accountable for a building, such as an employer, owner, or occupier of properties that are not a “single private dwelling” (a private home), you must ensure that a competent individual does a Fire Risk Assessment. It is your responsibility to detect fire risks and hazards on your property and to take the necessary precautions.

In addition, your fire risk assessment must be documented in writing if your business employs five or more people or if it has a licence under an applicable statute. Ensure you check your risk assessment on a regular basis and if substantial changes that could affect it occur. Effective fire protection begins with a thorough grasp of the hazards. It is not just a legal duty but also a matter of good business sense.

Residential Fire Risk Assessment in London Recommendations All Landlord Certificates

All Landlord Certificates, a trusted provider of comprehensive certification services in London, understands the importance of conducting thorough residential fire risk assessments. For landlords, ensuring the safety of their properties and occupants is paramount. In London, we recommend obtaining essential landlord certificates to ensure compliance and enhance safety measures.

One crucial certificate is the Fire Alarm Certificate, which verifies the proper functioning and maintenance of fire alarm systems in residential properties. Our team at All Landlord Certificates offers affordable pricing starting at £89, providing peace of mind to landlords and tenants alike.

Additionally, we recommend obtaining an Emergency Lighting Certificate to guarantee the functionality of emergency lighting systems during power outages or emergencies. Our professional services ensure that your emergency lighting meets compliance standards, with certification costs starting at £89.

For landlords with gas installations and appliances, the Gas Safety Certificate is a vital requirement. Our Gas Safety Certificate, priced at just £69, assures landlords that their properties meet the necessary safety standards, protecting both tenants and investments.

Electrical safety is also crucial, which is why we recommend obtaining an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). This report assesses the condition of electrical installations, identifying potential hazards and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

Lastly, we encourage landlords to obtain an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) to assess the energy efficiency of their properties. Displaying a valid EPC is a legal requirement when renting out or selling a property, and our affordable EPC certification is available for just £79.

All Landlord Certificates is dedicated to assisting landlords in creating safe and compliant residential properties in London. Our convenient online booking system and competitive pricing make the certification process hassle-free. Prioritize the safety of your residents and protect your investment by booking your assessments with All Landlord Certificates today.

How to do fire risk assessment

Recognize the dangers of fire. Determine who is at danger. Evaluate, evacuate, or reduce the dangers. Make a note of your observations, make plans for an emergency, and provide training. Regularly review and update the fire hazard assessment. More detailed information about these procedures may be found in the fire safety danger assessment chart. You’ll think about: exits and emergency routes Detection and warning systems for fires, as well as firefighting equipment the removal or secure storage of hazardous chemicals, as well as emergency fire evacuation plans for the requirements of defenseless people, such as the elderly, children, and people with disabilities. supplying information to reps and other people on the premises Fire safety training for employees.

What duties do I have?

Simply put, you must ensure that your premises meet the necessary requirements. Employees receive proper training in fire safety.

Fire Risk Assessment for an HMO property

Whether you want to buy a house with multiple occupants (HMO) or fix up a house to turn it into an HMO, it is important to know the HMO fire risk assessment laws. The type of fire alarm needed will depend on the size and type of the HMO. This could mean needing a full system with a fire alarm panel or just needing connected detectors. For the HMO fire risk assessment, the safety of the residents, and to meet licensing requirements, it’s important to make sure you use the right system.

What is an HMO property?

A home with multiple occupants (HMO) is a place where at least three people who don’t live together as a single “household” (like a family) rent a place to live and share common areas like the kitchen and bathroom. This is also called a “home share.”

is FRA required for HMO licence?

Fire risk assessment report is a must have primary requirement for the HMO licence. Also require Gas safety certificate, EICR certificate, Fire alarm certificate, Emergency lighting certificate, PAT testing certificate and EPC.

Fire Risk Assessments Near London

All Landlord Certificates near you can do fire risk assessments of any kind for both homes and businesses. Our trained fire risk assessors will give you the best help and advice throughout the process. Lastly, we will give you a full report that follows the law exactly as it is. In addition to email and phone calls, you can always use our online chat help to find out how much a fire risk assessment costs. A fire risk assessment could help protect you and your home from serious fire damage and help you follow the law.

Fire Risk Assessment 5 Steps

By following the 5 steps, anyone who is able can do a Fire Risk Assessment. There are also a lot of free resources that can help you.

  1. Figure out the chances of a fire
  2. Find people who are at risk

  3. Evaluate and do something

  4. Write down, make plans, and

  5. Look over

How frequently is a fire risk assessment performed?

It is necessary to review the Fire Risk Assessment on a frequent basis. The following items are required to be included in the survey: After the first examination, every 12 months. A fresh evaluation should be carried out every 5 years.

Is a fire risk assessment a legal requirement for flats?

Every block of flats and every commercial establishment is obliged by law to complete a fire hazard assessment. Nonetheless, not everyone has a thorough knowledge of this critical fire safety strategy.

Who Can Perform a Fire Risk Assessment?

The legislation only says that the expert must be qualified to perform a “adequate and appropriate” appraisal of the structure in question. If you lack the skills or time to do a fire risk assessment on your own, you should employ a professional.

Who completes fire risk assessment

Anyone in charge of the premises, whether it’s a single individual or a group for a particular region, is accountable for performing Fire Risk Assessments.

What is a type 1 fire risk assessment

A Type 1 FRA assesses all of a building’s communal areas, such as a lobby zone in a shared apartment, but not residential dwellings. A Type 1 Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) is the most frequent and non-destructive.

4 types of fire risk assessment

A Kind 1 fire risk assessment is the most basic type of fire hazard assessment necessary to comply with the Fire Safety Order (FSO). Only common components are used (non-destructive)

A Type 2 inspection’s risk assessments must examine at the same areas as a Type 1 examination, but only a few tests are selected for destructive inspection. Only common components are used (destructive)

Despite the fact that it must not in any way contradict the Housing Act, a Type 3 evaluation necessitates the same effort as a Type 1 assessment but goes beyond the scope of the FSO. Flats and common components (non-destructive)

In terms of scope, Type 4 assessment is similar to Type 3 assessment; however, it will allow for damage examination and testing in both flats and common components in a limited number of test locations and flats. Flats and common components (destructive)

How much does fire risk assessment cost

Fire Risk Assessment London Sale!

Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) London

Original price was: £250.00.Current price is: £199.00.

Making sure your place is safe from fires is a must!

For only £199, get a fire risk assessment to give you peace of mind. We’ll check your property in London to ensure it’s secure and meets all safety rules.

When is fire risk assessment required

If there are more than five regular renters, a fire risk assessment must be completed. If your block of flats or commercial premises has more than four inhabitants at any one time, you are legally obligated to disclose your fire risk assessment.

When is a fire risk assessment not required for flats

If there are less than 5 tenants on a regular basis in the property, the fire risk assessment is not necessary.

Why fire risk assessment for a residential building is required

The purpose is to analyze and choose whether or not to need adequate risk management measures based on the degree of fire danger. Building fire risk analysis then serves as a foundation for fire risk management.

What is a type 3 fire risk assessment

Despite the fact that it must not in any way contradict the Housing Act, a Type 3 evaluation necessitates the same effort as a Type 1 assessment but goes beyond the scope of the FSO. Flats and common components (non-destructive)

What is a fire risk assessment of type 2?

A Type 2 inspection’s risk assessments must examine at the same areas as a Type 1 examination, but only a few tests are selected for destructive inspection. Only common components are used (destructive)

How long does a fire risk assessment take

The time it takes to complete the evaluation will vary based on the building’s estimated value. In any case, expect to spend around 2 to 3 hours on this.

When is a fire risk assessment requirement for commercial premises?

To begin, determine who is responsible for fire safety in your company or non-domestic location. If you fall into one of the following categories, you will be classified as responsible: Anyone who has control of the premises: an employer, a landlord, a facilities manager, a building manager, a managing agent, a risk assessor, etc.

Does a fire risk assessment have to be in writing?

For the greatest results, it is suggested that you capture it in writing.

Fire Risk Assessment Report purpose

A fire risk assessment is a planned and methodical look at your property. In order to figure out how likely it is that a fire will start, the process of assessing fire risk looks at what is done on the property. The goals of a fire risk assessment are the following: As much as possible, try to make it less likely that these risks will cause harm. Find out what physical fire safety measures and management practices are needed to make sure people on your property are safe in case of a fire.

Who makes sure that my fire risk assessment has been done right?

The London Fire Brigade does this. Part of their job to protect individuals from fire is to check on buildings. You could be fined if your building isn’t safe or if you haven’t done an assessment. If they think people are in danger, they may even have to shut your company until you can secure it for your employees and the public.

Who should make my fire risk assessment?

The person who does the fire risk assessment needs to know what they are doing. There are two main ways for people to show they know what they’re doing;

Schemes for professional bodies to register (IFSM Fire Risk Assessor Register)

Certification from a Certification Body that is approved by the UKAS for the task. (BAFE SP205)

A UKAS-accredited Certification Body can certify a company as being able to do fire risk assessments by a third party. This shows that the company is qualified to do the job.

You don’t need to know a lot about enrollment and certification schemes to be a duty holder. The information below will help you learn more about these schemes and how they work. A “scheme” is a list of what needs to be evaluated and how it will be evaluated. As was said above, there are a number of fire risk assessment schemes:

A “company” scheme is run by a certification body, which looks at the staff’s skills and the company’s management systems.

A “professional body” scheme is run by an expert body and looks at the skills of the person, not the skills of the business.

All schemes keep a register that lists the people or businesses that have been checked and found to meet the scheme’s requirements.

Certification Bodies: Compare the fire risk assessor (whether it’s a person or a company) to the requirements of a “scheme.”

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is in charge of approving the certification work of third-party Certification Bodies. UKAS is the national organization for accreditation that the Government has approved for this purpose. UKAS accredits Certification Bodies based on internationally accepted standards to make sure they are evaluating correctly based on “scheme” requirements.

If I don't do a fire risk assessment, can I go to jail?

If there is a fire and you haven’t done what the law says you should to keep others safe, you could get a fine or even go to jail.

Fire Risk Assessments: Their Importance

The London Fire Brigade responded to 17,993 fires in the nation’s capital in 2019 alone. Fires are commonly seen as a rare occurrence. Nobody enjoys discovering a fire in a home they own and having to deal with its aftermath, but there are measures you can do to dramatically reduce the risk of fires occurring in your properties.

A competent fire risk assessment can be vital for the safety of the facility and its occupants by identifying potential vulnerabilities, risks, and improvement opportunities. By proactively addressing the issues identified in the risk assessment, the worst-case scenario can be averted, thereby saving the lives of everyone within the property and the property itself.

What can we do to support you?

ALC includes all types of fire risk assessments for both residential and commercial structures. Our trained fire risk inspectors will give you with the best advice throughout the process. In accordance with the applicable legislation, we will give you with a comprehensive report.

What factors of fire risk assessment affect the cost?

There are a lot of things that could change the price of your fire risk assessment. The following factors will affect how much the evaluation will cost because they affect how long it will take and what risks may be involved.

  • The number of buildings

  • How big or small the building or buildings are

  • Number of people living there.

  • How vulnerable the people were

  • How many stories there are

  • The use of the building or buildings

  • How dangerous the building or structures are

  • People who are sleeping.


There are five stages in the risk assessment process.

  • Step 1: Determine the potential for fire in your building.

  • Step 2: Determine who is at danger.

  • Step 3: Assess, eliminate, or lessen the hazards.

  • Step 4 – Document your findings, create an emergency plan, and advise, inform, and train your team.

  • Step 5 – Schedule a review of the evaluation on a regular basis.

Businesses have a substantial danger of fire. It has the potential to kill or badly harm personnel or tourists, as well as damage or destroy buildings, equipment, or inventory.

The five phases are outlined in further detail further down.

Step 1: Determine the fire threats in your building.

Heat (a source of ignition) comes into contact with fuel (items that burn) and oxygen to start a fire (air).

This stage requires you to go around your property and identify anything that might start a fire and items that could burn.

Heaters, bare flames, and electrical equipment are all high-risk potential sources. Anything combustible, such as packing, trash, furniture, and equipment, has the potential to ignite.

Remember to look both inside and outside the building.

Step 2: Determine who is at danger.

Everyone is at danger if there is a fire. Everyone on and around the premises has the potential to be recognized as a threat. But who are these individuals?

Employees, contractors, tourists, and the public will all need to be considered.

However, there will always be those who are at a greater risk. This is often the outcome of their working hours and location. Employees who work in high-risk areas or those who work at night are two examples.

People who are handicapped, aged, or unfamiliar with the area are also at a greater risk. Therefore, they will need aid in leaving in the event of an emergency.

Step 3: Assess, eliminate, or lessen the hazards. Determine the likelihood of a fire.

Taking into consideration the fire preventive measures seen at the time of this risk assessment, the danger from fire (probability of fire) is determined to be low.

This building’s ignition) is:

  • Low threat

  • Risk Level: Medium

  • High-risk situation

Terms are defined:

  • Low-threat

There are few combustible items, no highly flammable compounds, and almost no sources of heat, hence there is little danger of fire.

  • Risk Level: Medium

There are plenty of flammable items and heat sources, yet a fire would be contained or spread slowly.

  • High-risk situation

A significant danger of death due to fire, large numbers of combustible materials, highly flammable compounds, or the chance of fire, heat, or smoke spreading quickly.

Determine the level of risk.

Possible repercussions if a fire breaks out

There’s a chance that a fire may break out.

a minor hazard

Moderate damage

Extremely harmful situations


Risk is a non-issue.

Risk that is acceptable

Moderate danger


Risk that is acceptable

Moderate danger

Significant danger


Moderate danger

Significant danger

Unacceptable danger

Step 4 – Document your findings, create an emergency plan, and advise, inform, and train your team.

After that, make sure you keep track of everything you’ve discovered and the steps you’ve done. Only if you employ five or more persons is it necessary to keep a written record of your evaluations. However, if anything goes wrong, proving that you performed the exam without writing it down may be challenging.

Then make a detailed strategy for preventing fires and keeping people safe in the event of a fire. After then, be sure to communicate this plan with everyone so that everyone knows what they need to accomplish.

Make certain you’re offering the appropriate training. This involves performing a fire drill and documenting how it went as well as any areas where it may be improved.

Nominate employees to be fire wardens/marshals, who will aid you in the case of a fire and work with you to prevent fires. They will thereafter need appropriate training in order to perform their duties. Ascertain that they have everything a fire marshal or warden need.

And every new employee, whether temporary or permanent, will need to be briefed on the strategy.

Step 5 - Schedule a review of the evaluation on a regular basis.

You must ensure that the fire-risk assessment is current and accurate. If you feel your fire-risk assessment is no longer valid, such as after a near-miss or if the degree of danger in your premises changes significantly, you’ll need to re-evaluate it. Other elements that may influence the frequency of review are:

  • The nature, kind, and layout of the property.

  • The kind and quantity of persons who use the facility.

  • Plant and equipment type, location, and layout

  • Alterations to the buildings, personnel, machinery, and equipment.

  • On-site storage of materials

  • An increase in the amount of supplies kept on site;

  • New materials storage.

  • Processes and processes that are carried out on the job.

  • Changes in shift patterns, especially the addition of additional night shifts.

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